Get maps powered by AI.

Chat with our AI about anything, including restaurants, hotels, and travel.


Place Recommendations

Get intelligent and descriptive recommendations for restaurants, hotels, parks, and more. Ask follow-up questions to find just the right places.

Trip Planning

Receive detailed and customized travel suggestions, itinerary recommendations, and real-time assistance, streamlining the trip planning process with conversational ease.

Prompt Builders

Prompt builders make writing prompts to find restaurants, cafes, parks, and hotels fast and easy.

End-to-end Encrypted Location Sharing

Share your location with friends and family using end-to-end encryption.



Price: Free

  • 10 chatbot messages per month

  • End-to-end encrypted location sharing

  • Place search

  • Place details

Beacon Plus

Price: $0.99 / month or $9.99 / year

  • Everything in Basic

  • Unlimited chatbot messaging